3 Wheelers

"Book Your Dealership" Equire Now

Safe Speed Vehicles

EV Product - Devam King

Devam King

Redefine your daily commute and income.
EV Product - Devam Samrat

Devam Samrat

Samrat sounds good when you want to deliver goods.
EV Product - Lord's Swachh Yaan

Swachh Yaan

Where technology meets environmental responsibility.
EV Product - Lord's Gati

Lord's Gati

Cargo Excellence, Personified by Lord's Gati
EV Product - Lord's Savari

Lord's Savari

Your compact powerhouse for deliveries.
EV Product - Lord's Grace

Lord's Grace

Enjoy the Limitless Freedom with Grace

Fast Speed Vehicles

EV Product - Lord's Vayu

Lord's Vayu

A complete E- Rikshaw for the hustling streets of India.
EV Product - Lord's Velocity

Lord's Velocity

Carry your cargo to and Fro, Personified by Velocity.
EV Product - Lord's Premier

Lord's Premier

A promise of strength and safety from Lord's for long distance.
EV Product - Waste Warrieors

Lord's Warrieor

A perfect model for waste management in metro cities.
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